スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院



■We are pleased to announce that we are currently offering [商品名] at a price of US$[金額] per unit.
announce that SV:…と発表する
currently: 現在のところ
■One of our clients has told us that you would like to know about our latest models of [商品名].
■You will be pleased to learn that we have recently put [商品名] on the market to keep abreast of the changing needs of consumers.
put ... on the market: …を売りに出す
keep abreast of [with]: …に遅れないようにする

■As you will see [find] in the enclosed catalog, these new models have such special features as X, Y, and Z.
=同封のカタログにもありますように、これらの新型モデルはX, Y, Zといった数々の特徴を備えております。
such A as B: BのようなA
It may interest you to know that this [商品名] features X, Y, and Z.
=この…の特徴がX, Y, Zであることをお知りになったら、ご興味をお持ちになるかもしれません。
*ここでの feature は「…を特徴とする、売りにしている」という意味の動詞。
■We wish to call your attention to the excellent features of the new product described in detail on pages [数字] to [数字] of the catalog.
call [draw] one's attention to: 人の注意を…に向ける
■Our [商品名] have/has [enjoy(s)] a good reputation among our customers both at home and abroad.
reputation: 評判
*gain や win などの動詞を用いる場合は have gained [won] a good reputation と現在完了形にする。
■We have no doubt that this new type of [商品名] will sell well [be a good seller] in your market.
have no doubt: 確信している
good seller: よく売れる商品
■You will agree that our [商品名] is the best value compared with competing products.
good value: お値打ち品
compared with: …と比較して

■If you would like more detailed information, please feel free to contact us at any time.
would like: …が欲しいと思う
■We look forward to being of service to you in the near future.
be of service to: …の手助けになる、…に役立つ


スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院
