スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院



■I'd like to make an appointment with you [to see you].
make an appointment with someone: 人と会う約束をする
■Can we meet next week?
■Do you think we can get together sometime soon?

get together: 集まる
■Can you manage Tuesday afternoon?
*ここでの manage[mǽnidʒ] は「(時間)の都合をつける」という意味。
How [What] about Wednesday morning?
■Would next Thursday be okay?

■I'm afraid I can't make it tomorrow.
make it: 何とかかやりくりする、都合をつける
■I have a tight schedule for that day.
■I'm (all) booked up (on) that day.

tight: 予定などがぎっしり詰まった
booked up: 先約がある、予定がふさがっている
Shall we say three o'clock Monday afternoon?
■That'd be fine.
■That sounds fine.

■When would be convenient [a good time] for you?
■When would suit you best?
■When would you be available?

*ここでの suit は「(人)に都合がよい」という意味の動詞。
■I'll adjust my schedule to yours [accordingly].
adjust[ədʒʌ́st] A to B: AをBに合うように調節する
accordingly[əkɔ́:rdiŋli]: それに従って[応じて]


スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院
