スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院



■I agree with you.
agree[əgrí:] with someone: 人と意見が一致する
*「その点はあなたと同意見です」は I agree with you on that.
■I can support your idea.
■I share your opinion [thoughts].

■I think you're right.
■I think that's a good idea.
■I think we should do that.

■That sounds good (to me).
■I feel the same way.

■That makes sense (to me).
■That seems reasonable (to me).

make sense, reasonable[rí:zənəbl]: 理にかなっている
■I completely agree with you.
■I fully support what you're saying.

*他に without reservation(無条件で、留保なく)など。
■I'm inclined to agree with you.
inclined[inkláind] to do: …したいと思う
■I agree in principle [up to a point].
Basically, I think you're right.

in principle[prínsəpl]: 原則として
up to a point: ある程度までは
*いずれも後に but ...が続き、反対意見を述べることが多い。


■I don't agree with you.
■I disagree with you.

disagree with someone: 人と意見が一致しない
■I'm afraid I can't agree with you.
■I'm not sure [I don't think] I can agree with you.

■I have to object to that.
object[əbʤékt] to: …に反対する、異議を唱える
■I'm not sure if that's quite right.
■I have a different opinion [view].
■I see things [it] differently.
■I have a different point of view.

■I'd say the exact opposite.
opposite[ápəzit]: 反対の物[事]
■I beg to differ.
differ[dífər]: 考え方が違う、意見が合わない
■That's an interesting idea [point], but I don't agree.
■That may be, but ...
■I know what you mean, but ...
■I can see your point, but ...

see someone's point: 人の言いたいことが分かる
■You have a point there, but ...
have a point: もっともである、一理ある
■That's one perspective, but ...
perspective[pərspéktiv]: 物の味方、視点
With (all due) respect, I think you're quite wrong.
with all due respect: 改まった表現。相手の発言に対して敬意をもって反論する際の前置きとして用いる。


スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院
