A lot of people I know have some kind of
A phobia is an irrational fear of something.
For example, a friend of mine has a fear
of open spaces; this kind of fear is called agoraphobia.
Ever since he was a small boy, he's been
afraid of going outdoors.
Now he has a job where he can work at home
and still gets very afraid when he has to leave his house.
Another friend is afraid of heights; this
is called acrophobia.
He gets very nervous when he goes near the
window in a high building and is afraid to go hiking near
the mountains or walking near the edge of a cliff.
When my mother was a very young girl she
used to sleepwalk.
As a result of this, her parents used to
lock her bedroom door at night.
Sometimes, she would wake up in the middle
of sleepwalking and have a panic attack because she couldn't
open the door.
This has resulted in her having claustrophobia,
the fear of being trapped in small or crowded places.
When she can, she avoids using the elevator
and would never consider flying in a small plane.
Another friend of mine is afraid of giving
She will do anything to avoid having to
speak in front of people.
She thinks this started at school when she
had a stammer which some children used to make fun of.
Although she doesn't stutter anymore, she
is still afraid of speaking in front of groups of people.