NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

People had to leave the cities and return
to the countryside where they had to live in huge collective
In an attempt to destroy the family unit,
workers had to eat together in large halls and children
were often separated from their parents at birth.
Paranoid and convinced that many of his
citizens were plotting against him, Pol Pot had many of
his countrymen murdered; to save money, hammers instead
of guns were used.
It is easy to remember Pol Pot as a unique
monster, a freak of history like Hitler or Stalin.
However, the fact is that his government
would not have survived and a lot of people would not have
died, if the United States had not helped to bring him to
power and the US, Britain and China had not supported him
politically and financially throughout his reign of terror.
Last week, New York cab drivers staged a
protest against plans to introduce stricter controls on
The proposed regulations would include fines
for being rude to passengers and other drivers, dangerous
driving and cheating passengers out of money.
If drivers repeatedly broke the rules, they
could lose their cab licenses.
Police stopped a convoy of taxis from driving
through the center of New York in protest against these
Many of the other taxi drivers went on a
one-day strike; an estimated 70% of the city's 12,000 licensed
cabs were idle, the second taxi strike in eight days.
Taxi driver organizations say that the new
regulations would be financially disastrous for many of
the city's cab drivers.
Many of the drivers are immigrants from
Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean.
They accuse the authorities of persecuting
them and of being unreasonably critical of the drivers.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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