NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

In Australia there are as many cats as human
beings (20 million) and, in some places, the law forbids
getting new cats or letting domestic cats out at night.
In America there are about 60 million domestic
cats and there may be as many as 40 million feral cats -
cats that have become wild or have been born in the wild.
While it is true that cats are useful in
keeping down the numbers of mice and animals such as cockroaches
in houses, these are no longer a big problem in most modern
The fact is that cats are dangerously reducing
the numbers of small animals and birds which are the prey
of owls, foxes and other animals.
Furthermore, urban cats have no natural
predators such as wolves or eagles, so their population
can go on increasing, killing even more birds and animals
as they do so.
Every summer, during the months of July
and August, millions of Americans take an annual vacation
from their work.
Americans regard their vacation time as
an earned right, and usually do not feel bad about taking
the full amount allotted to them.
In fact, companies encourage and expect
their employees to take their full vacations.
It is believed that time-off is necessary
to boost workers' morale and to make them feel relaxed and
This makes people more productive at work,
which is good for a company.
Employees are never made to feel guilty
about taking their vacations as everybody, from the company
president to the lowest-paid worker, goes on vacation.
American families often go on camping trips
to national parks or visit relatives in other parts of the
The highway system in America is good and
gasoline is cheap, making it easy for families to travel
long distances by car.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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