The convenience of credit cards is making
them an easy and effective way to pay for goods.
Many department stores, gasoline companies
and so on also issue their own credit cards for customers
to use at their outlets.
It is not so uncommon for one person to
have 20 or so cards.
However, as credit cards become more common,
so do the problems associated with using them.
Many people use credit cards when they don't
have enough money to pay back the amount that they have
borrowed, or find themselves unable to pay the monthly interest
rate that the credit card company charges on the debt.
Furthermore, many young people are old enough
to have credit cards but don't have enough experience of
managing their finances and get into trouble.
Some people become "shopaholics"
and are unable to control their own spending.
The instant pleasure of buying something
is a very powerful force.
Using a credit card is very easy to do,
but repaying the money is much harder.
More and more people are finding out that
they are getting into trouble by spending more money than
they are making.