■I have been transferred to the [部署名] department, effective [日付].
=…月…日付で…部に異動となりました。 *transfer: 人を転任させる、配置換えする *effective ...: 特定の日時をもって、限りに
■I would like to inform you that I will be assigned to the [地名] branch at the end of [月名].
=…月末日をもって…支店へ赴任となりました(ことをお知らせいたします)。 *assign: 人を任命[配属]する
■I have enjoyed working with you for the last [past] [数字] years.
■Thank you very much for your great help in the office.
■I would like to express my sincere [deepest] appreciation [gratitude] for the support and cooperation you have given me.
=賜りましたご支援ご協力に対し心からお礼を申し上げます。 *appreciation/gratitude for: …に対する感謝
■I hope that we can keep [stay] in touch.
=今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。 *keep [stay] in touch: 連絡を取り合う
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