スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院



■We are pleased to announce that our annual Christmas [year-end] party will be held at [場所] on [曜日, 日付].
annua: 年に1度の
■We are going to throw a (welcome) party for our new staff members as follows.
throw [give] a party: パーティーを開く
■We are planning to have a farewell [send-off] party for [名前] at [場所] on [曜日, 日付].
farewell party: フォーマルな送別会を連想させる; 打ち解けたものは good-bye party, going-away party ということもある。
■We hope that you will join the party and have a great time looking back on [over] this year.
looking back on [over]: …を回想する
■We would like to invite [encourage] all of you to come and join us in welcoming them.
encourage someone to do: 人に…するように勧める[促す]
join someone in doing: 人と一緒に…する
■Please let us know by [日付/曜日] whether or not you will be able to attend.


スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院
