NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

"With fewer and fewer young people
and more and more elderly people, there won't be enough
young people to take care of the elderly," a spokesman
"Therefore we'll have to use robots
for routine medical care."
There are already robots carrying parts
in factories and robots operating in space and at the bottom
of the ocean, but robots have never done routine jobs in
hospitals before.
Robonurse can carry and clear food trays
in hospitals and old people's homes.
It can find its way from bed to bed and
has a screen to show patients what is on the menu.
It has a mechanical arm to lift and remove
The designers hope that it will make it
possible for nurses to concentrate more on medical care
than routine tasks.
However, nobody seems to have asked the
old people about how they would feel about being served
by a robot instead of a person.
How would you feel if your lunch were delivered
by a machine every day?
Although sumo wrestling in Japan goes back
2,000 years, it wasn't until the Nara Period that it began
to be organized as a sport.
The Emperor Kanmu made it an annual event
in the garden of the Imperial Palace in 793.
The "dohyo," or sumo ring, was
developed in the 16th century when Oda Nobunaga held a huge
tournament at his castle.
As there were many fights on the same day,
boundaries had to be drawn to limit the fighting area and
speed up the matches.
The rank of yokozuna was first given to
Tanikaze and Onogawa in 1789, and altogether there have
been 65 yokozuna since then.
Although it is one of Japan's most popular
sports, sumo has had a lot of ups and downs but became more
popular with the mass ownership of television sets.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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