NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

This was a whole electronic circuit concentrated
on a tiny piece of silicon.
Soon, enormously complex electrical circuits
could fit onto a chip smaller than a pinhead.
One of the most important uses of the microchip
has been in computers.
In 1946, one of the world's first computers
filled a room, but now, thanks to the microchip, more efficient
and flexible machines are small enough to fit into a briefcase
and cheap enough to be owned by most families.
In the late 1980s computers became an essential
part of modern life with most businesses using them for
accounts and word processing while, they also play important
roles in hospitals, space travel and the military.
In the 1990s, the internet started to be
used by people in many developed countries; this made an
incredible amount of information available to the user and
enabled people to communicate almost instantaneously with
other users all around the world.
Recently a British newspaper announced that
scientists in Edinburgh had succeeded in making the world's
first clone of an adult animal.
The clone, a 7-month-old sheep, was called
"Dolly" after Dolly Parton, the American country
A cell was taken from a sheep, then implanted
in a surrogate mother.
The scientists say that cloning will enable
us to study diseases and produce more health care products.
In theory, the same technique could be used
to clone human beings, but British scientists said that
no responsible person would do such a thing and that such
experiments would be outlawed by British law.
Dolly is identical to her "mother"
and has been photographed more than any other sheep in history.
However, many people are afraid that cloning
could be used for other reasons.
For example, some people have suggested
that cloning could be used to create private armies or thousands
of slaves to work in factories.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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