NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

At the moment there are about 640 sumo wrestlers,
but only 66 of them receive a monthly salary.
If you want to be a sumo wrestler, you have
to start as an unpaid apprentice, getting up early to do
small tasks for the group such as shopping, cleaning up
and scrubbing the backs of the professionals in the bath.
It is often a chance for boys from poor
backgrounds to escape from poverty, but more and more college
graduates are joining the profession as well.
Many sumo wrestlers aren't as stupid as
they look.
For example, Otani Yoneichi, who quit in
1915, founded a steel company, and later, the Otani Hotel
At the moment, sumo is only popular in Japan,
but, as more foreigners join the sport, interest in sumo
is starting to spread to other countries as well.
For some fashion-followers, the latest trend
is cigar bars, where the air is blue with smoke, but for
other, health-conscious people there is an alternative;
the world's first oxygen bar has opened in Toronto.
Here, instead of drinking alcohol, the customer
can breathe pure oxygen while relaxing and listening to
soothing music.
The two owners, both women, were looking
for a new business venture when they came up with the idea.
"We thought wouldn't it be great if,
instead of going into a smoke-filled bar, we did something
good for ourselves," said Lisa, one of the partners.
After several years of planning, the first
bar opened in March 1996 and the business is rapidly expanding,
with new bars opening in Los Angeles and New York very soon.
When customers go into the bar, they are
given a plastic tube which is plugged into the nose.
The tube is attached to a tap behind the
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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