NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

The number of Japanese holding their weddings
abroad has tripled in recent years and is expected to go
on increasing very rapidly.
Because it has many churches with stained-glass
windows and pipe organs, nice scenery and no language barrier,
Hawaii is the most popular destination at the moment.
About 20 guests and family members go with
each couple; this means that nearly half a million Japanese
"wedding tourists" had holidays in Hawaii last
Many couples see numerous advantages in
getting married abroad.
For example, company employees don't have
to worry about inviting their bosses or colleagues to the
Often, traditional weddings are very luxurious
with a lot of social pressure, so couples can have a much
cheaper and more intimate wedding if they go abroad.
Some people are asking questions about how
suitable it is for Japanese non-Christians to get married
in churches.
However, many priests do not mind marrying
non-Christian couples; they regard it as missionary work.
They believe that the important thing is
getting people into a church, not why they come for the
first time!
Fumiko Yonemura, 61, emigrated to North
Korea in 1960 with her Korean husband and three children,
despite strong opposition from her Japanese relatives.
When she left, she promised her family that
she would visit them every two or three years, but, in fact,
she has never been able to return to Japan.
At the moment, she is in the same position
as about 1,800 other Japanese women who are not allowed
to return to their country of birth.
Originally Fumiko's letters described North
Korea as a "paradise", but soon her husband died
and her letters became desperate requests for money to buy
Every year her sister sends her \500,000
and a package of clothes, soap, food and sugar.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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