NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

Millions of Chinese listen to it secretly
for honest, objective and propaganda-free news about their
own country.
This is often the case in countries ruled
by dictators such as Iraq, North Korea and Libya where the
people cannot trust their national news services.
Mikhail Gorbachev said it was his only source
of news when he was a prisoner in 1991 and Nelson Mandela
said that it was his lifeline to the world during his many,
long years in prison.
BBC Television is financed by British owners
of television sets, who have to pay 85 pounds a year for
a license.
The BBC World Service is financed by the
British taxpayer, who gives 175 million pounds a year to
pay for the service.
Therefore, its organizers have to be very
careful about how this limited amount of money is spent.
However, there is no doubt that the BBC
will continue to be the voice of honesty and freedom well
into the future.
A friend of mine was driving home late one
night through the countryside when he saw a bright light
in the sky.
He lives near a big American air force base,
so he often sees planes and helicopters there.
However, he says that this was different.
The light came nearer and nearer until it
wasn't very far from him.
He said that it was very big and disk-shaped,
that it was glowing and he couldn't see it very clearly
because the light was so bright.
It hovered for a few seconds, and then it
flew away at an unbelievably fast speed.
My friend stopped his car and waited but
he didn't see anything for a few minutes.
Then, suddenly, three fighter planes flew
over him in the same direction that the strange light had
gone in.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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