NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

Brunei is a small country in East Asia and
its wealth comes from its oil and gas, which it sells to
There are only 230,000 people to share this
money, giving everybody a high income.
The Sultan and his brothers are the government.
In spite of all this, he is very shy and
still looks like a schoolboy.
He finds it difficult to concentrate for
more than two minutes, so if you have something to tell
him, you have to tell him quickly in a few words.
His first wife is Bruneian and his second
wife is a mixture of Bruneian, Japanese and English blood.
As a Moslem, he is allowed four wives if
he wants, but seems to be content with two.
He and his two families all live happily
together in the luxurious new palace.
With all this money, is he a happy man?
Nobody asks him that.
Do you have a headache?
Take some bird brains.
Do you want beautiful skin?
Eat pearls.
Is your hair turning grey?
Eat black rice.
For thousands of years, many Chinese people
have believed that certain medicinal foods are good for
For example, they have eaten ginger for
centuries, not because it has a nice flavour, but because
they believe it helps digestion.
To most Westerners a lot of their "medicines"
sound very strange indeed: snakes' blood is supposed to
give you energy, as is "suppon", an Asian kind
of turtle.
Garlic is supposed to be good for the heart
and stress, and rhinoceros horn is said to improve your
married life.
Women who want to look young can dine on
"Queen's Secret", which has meat from chickens
with black feathers.
Although these "medicines" are
getting increasingly popular in the West, many doctors still
doubt their effectiveness.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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