NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>
A few people got rich, but it was a very
risky business.
Even if a gold miner "struck it rich"
there were always plenty of people who were ready to take
his money from him; gamblers, outlaws, thieves and saloonkeepers,
for example.
Probably the most important result of the
gold rush was that it was an important part of the colonization
of the western United States.
As a psychological experiment eight normal
young people pretended to be insane in order to gain admission
into mental hospitals.
They told the doctors that they could hear
voices inside their heads.
They were all judged to be insane, but as
soon as they were inside the hospitals they stopped pretending
to be sick.
Surprisingly none of the staff noticed that
they weren't sick but many of the other patients noticed
that they weren't and accused them of being journalists
or hospital inspectors.
They took notes about their experiences
and the staff thought that this was just another symptom
of their sickness.
What was normal behavior outside the hospital
was seen as aspects of mental illness inside the hospital.
Although most of the "frauds"
were released within a few weeks, none of them were judged
to be mentally healthy, only having a temporary recovery
from the sickness.
The conclusion was that, "We cannot
tell the difference between the sane and the insane in mental
hospitals. Furthermore, doctors are more likely to call
a healthy person sick than call a sick person healthy."
In 1981, Maria Bach from Frankfurt in Germany
was in court watching the trial of Karl Schmidt.
Schmidt had murdered Maria Bach's daughter
and had a history of attacking children.
During the trial, Mrs. Bach pulled a pistol
from her handbag and fired eight bullets, six of which hit
Schmidt, killing him.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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