NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

Again they got on well; he told her some
funny stories about his family and she talked about the
office and her friends.
They both drank a lot of sake and laughed
at each other for becoming red in the face.
At the end of the evening he insisted on
paying for both of them.
However, when he opened his wallet, he looked
"I'm very sorry," he said, "but
I was sure I had \10,000. I'm sorry, but I don't have enough
to pay the check."
She laughed and told him not to worry and
paid \6,000 for the meal herself.
He was embarrassed and said that he would
give her the money the next time they met.
In spite of that she had a wonderful evening
and they arranged to meet again the following weekend.
He said that he would phone her during the
My friend Keiko met a man called Keisuke
who she liked very much.
On their third date they arranged to meet
outside the Taj Mahal, an Indian restaurant in Shinjuku.
They met and went to the restaurant.
However, Keisuke looked tired and worried
and she asked him what was wrong.
He said that he had borrowed money to buy
an apartment in Kanazawa and that there was a problem with
the roof.
He said that the builders wanted \500,000
to repair it and that he didn't have the money.
She felt sorry for him and offered to lend
him the money.
At first he refused, but she explained that
it wasn't a problem and that he could pay her back when
it was convenient for him.
After, she said that he was embarrassed
but more cheerful and they enjoyed the evening together.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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