NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

Nobody knows why we sleep but we all need
The average adult sleeps for 7 hours and
20 minutes a night but 8% of adults are content with five
hours or less.
Babies need 14 to 18 hours and elderly people
need less than when they were young but often take a nap
during the day.
There are two kinds of sleep - light sleep
and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is associated
with dreaming.
If you wake up during REM sleep you will
probably remember your dream.
Everyone at some time has difficulty sleeping
but if you miss a few hours of sleep, no harm is done.
However, if you try to stay awake night
after night you lose the ability to concentrate and your
judgement becomes bad.
You start to imagine strange things and
to behave abnormally.
Many people take drugs to help them to sleep
and become addicted to sleeping pills.
It is better to try to avoid them if you
can and try to identify the problem and to remove it.
In 1848 gold was discovered at Sutter's
Mill, about 100 miles east of San Francisco, and the Great
California Gold Rush began.
When people heard the news farmers, sailors,
schoolteachers and priests rushed to California by any possible
Within a year 100,000 people, only 8,000
of whom were women, had reached the coast of California.
More than half of them had traveled overland
across America.
"Gold Fever" spread rapidly and
soon farms, homes and stores were deserted as their owners
left everything and rushed to California.
By 1850 there were more than 500 ships anchored
in San Francisco Bay - their crews had just left the ships
and gone to look for gold.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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