NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト目次>>

In fact, numbers are so important that the
job of some people is giving advice about numbers.
We call these people "numerologists"
When, in 1937, the Toyoda family wanted to start a car company,
they asked a numerologist about their name.
He said that "Toyoda" was unlucky,
but that "Toyota" would be lucky.
As a result, today, millions of people drive
"Toyota" cars, not "Toyodas."
Some popular English superstitions are as
follows: It is bad luck to open an umbrella inside the house.
It is bad luck to walk under a ladder.
If there are thirteen people at a dinner
party, the thirteenth will be the devil.
Personally I'm not superstitious, but you
will never find me living at number thirteen.
Why take chances?
A few years ago Ed Jones was shopping at
a thrift store in Indianapolis, Indiana.
He was looking for valuable things; things
that he could buy cheaply, then sell to an antique dealer
for more money.
He didn't see anything he wanted, so he
was walking towards the door when he saw a large map leaning
against the wall.
It was covered with dust, so he wiped it
with his handkerchief and saw it was an old map of Paris.
The price was $3 so he bought it, thinking
he would be able to sell it for as much as $40.
The next day he took it to an expert on
maps who became very excited.
"I've read about this map!"
He shouted, and told Mr. Jones the history
of the map: "In 1671, the King of France told a mapmaker
to make a map of Paris. He made several black and white
copies, but carefully colored one of the maps; this is the
color copy," he said.
NCC綜合英語学院 東京新宿本校:LCリスニングスクリプト次へ>>
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