Some people in America never want to die.
They contact a businessman called Art Quaife.
Mr. Quaife works for a company in California
called Trans Time.
Trans Time freezes people after they die.
Doctors can cure many diseases, but not
all of them, so Trans Time freezes people who hope that
some time in the future doctors and scientists will be able
to bring them back to life.
They also freeze people who die of old age;
these people hope that, in the future, there will be medicines
that can make them young and healthy again.
Can they really bring the dead back to life?
In 1987, a Trans Time scientist froze a
healthy dog.
The dog's heart stopped beating; the dog
was dead.
Then the scientist brought the dog back
to life.
After a person dies, workers at Trans Time
cool the body with ice and chemicals and, when it is very
cold, they put it into a capsule and fill the capsule with
liquid nitrogen.