
It doesn't matter what time you come to
the office or leave as long as you do your job thoroughly
and make [meet] the deadline.
He is innocent.
⇔ He looks innocent.
⇔ He seems (to be) innocent.
⇔ He proved (to be) innocent.
She was so gullible or so unsophisticated
that she trusted a man of whose background she knew nothing,
which, no wonder, gave her a disaster.
Eel is such an expensive delicacy that
only those who are working earnestly should eat it every
one or two months and only on a special occasion. If a man
of your laziness, playing around day and night, eats any,
he'll be punished by Heaven.
He righted the (fallen) chair.
The captain righted the aircraft.
He righted himself.
I righted his wrongdoings.
We have to right the damage.
Before you pray to God, you should do as
much as possible. There is no God who will grant a request
from a man of your irresponsibility.
Her strong desire to make her son enter
a prestigious college, which is quite contrary to her son's
character, caused him to be a juvenile delinquent. She should
know children won't grow up as parents want them to.
A whale is no more a fish than a horse is
(a fish).
≒ A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is (a fish).
⇒⇒ A horse is not a fish; similarly, a whale is not a fish.
A whale is no less a mammal than a horse
is (a mammal).
⇒⇒ A horse is a mammal; similarly, a whale is a mammal.
I am no more kind to you than you are kind
to me.
A home without love is no more a home than
a body without a soul is a man.
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英会話・英語 学校/教室/塾/スクール
<東京 新宿 >
全く英語に自信のない方の日常会話6ヵ月習得 〜