
He said (that) she was a good swimmer.
⇒⇒ According to him, she is a good swimmer.
He said (that) she had been a good swimmer.
⇒⇒ According to him, she was a good swimmer.
that he cannot speak English
that she is much richer than I
that I was punished because of my failure
The problem is that he cannot speak English.
He said that he couldn't speak English.
He told me that he couldn't speak English.
I'm sorry that he cannot speak English.
That he cannot speak English is the problem.
He has the problem that he cannot speak
The fact is (that) I have no confidence.
His opinion was (that) our company should
invest in it.
I hear (that) he is the right man for this
Do you believe (that) Tom won a prize in
the public lottery?
She complained that the room was too small
for her family.
I think (that) he is honest.
≒ I think him (to be) honest.
He told me (that) he wanted to be a banker.
My secretary informed me (that) a client
was waiting.
I'm not sure (that) he'll be the representative
of Japan.
He was lucky (that) he wasn't involved
in the accident.
It's not true (that) the company is in the
≒ That the company is in the red is not true.
[ 目次
英会話・英語 学校/教室/塾/スクール
<東京 新宿 >
全く英語に自信のない方の日常会話6ヵ月習得 〜