スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院


英語・英会話 リーディングプラザ



>>問題(21) −国際共通語としてのエスペラント−

The fact that Esperanto is so easy to learn has been the key to its success.

>>問題(22) −地下の微生物が教えてくれること−

In the fall of 1998, Tullis Onstott, a scientist from Princeton University, along with a carefully selected team of scholars, joined the workers in the underground gold mine for several weeks.

>>問題(23) −アメリカのポニー・デー−

Before Pony Day became an international tourist attraction, very few people, even in the United States, knew these islands by name.

>>問題(24) −サーフィンとハワイの文化の関係−

Despite the commercialism that accompanied its popularization, surfing continues to provide enjoyment and a special connection with nature for millions of people around the world.

>>問題(25) −地下の微生物が教えてくれること−

Although they were planning to return the next day, they were so excited that they felt reluctant to leave.

>>問題(26) −国家分断後の帰郷を描いた物語−

A few weeks later, at dinner, my father, grinning hugely, pushed an envelope across the table to my grandmother.

>>問題(27) −日用品の美的価値−

If either my toothbrush or razor had been mounted on a base, it might well have qualified as a sculpture.

>>問題(28) −インドのごみリサイクル産業−

Far away from the beautiful lawns of New Delhi lies West Delhi's Swaran Park Industrial Area.

>>問題(29) −万年筆のコレクション−

Ironically, it was an accident that solved all these problems and led to the technological improvement of the fountain pen.

>>問題(30) −人を判断することの難しさ−

Hardly anyone detected the inhumanity that we now see so clearly in his face.




スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院
