英語・英会話 リーディングプラザ |
上級◇問題リスト-3問題番号をクリックすると,各問題ページに移動します.>>問題(21) −芸術作品の知名度−A mere glimpse at even some of her features - her silhouette, her eyes, perhaps just her hands - brings instant recognition even to those who have no passion for painting. >>問題(22) −国際共通語としてのエスペラント−By the time he was fifteen, young Ludovic had seen enough violence in his hometown to convince him of the need for a common language that would enable different communities to understand each other. >>問題(23) −日用品の美的価値−"Rightly viewed," Thomas Carlyle wrote in his book Sartor Resartus, "no meanest object is insignificant; all objects are as windows, through which the philosophic eye looks into Infinitude itself." >>問題(24) −通信技術革命−The apparent simplicity of its use may lead us to think that we know everything we need to know about it, but in fact we have been overtaken by E-mail without really understanding what it is. >>問題(25) −プロの記憶術−Recent studies have shown that rather than attempting word-by-word memorization, actors analyze scripts for clues to the motivations and goals of their characters, unconsciously relating the words in them to the whole of their knowledge, built up over many years of experience; ... >>問題(26) −聞き取りによる歴史−The most distinct contribution of oral history is that it includes within the historical record the experiences and perspectives of groups of people who might otherwise have been 'hidden from history.' >>問題(27) −人と嘘−What makes children able to start telling lies, usually at about age three or four, is that they have begun developing a theory of mind, the idea that what goes on in their heads is different from what goes on in other people’s heads. >>問題(28) −ギャンブルにおける予測−You commit the gambler's fallacy if you expect that when a tossed coin has fallen on the same side, say, three times in a row, this increases the chance of it falling on the other side the next time, as if the coin had a memory and a desire to be fair. >>問題(29) −人と嘘−Worse than living in a world filled with uncertainty, in which we can never know for sure who is lying to whom, might be to live in a world filled with certainty about where the lies are, thus forcing us to tell one another nothing but the truth. >>問題(30) −有名人を街で見かけたとき−The more reality the TV screen shows us, the more movie-like our everyday world becomes - until, as certain philosophers have insisted, we think that we are alone in the world, and that everything else is the film that God or some evil spirit is projecting before our eyes.
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